535 Solitaire Card Games, including all the most popular solitaire games, such as Scorpion, Spider Solitaire (4 Suits), Pyramid, Freecell etc. (see
the list of games)
attractive smoothly resizable playing
cards. More...
100 original games not found elsewhere. It's the largest collection of original
user customizable rules of almost any of the included
more than 4 billion possible starting positions for each game
"You Are Stuck" feature lets you know if there are no more legal moves to be
"Show Next Move" command allows to check available moves to make
support for both Drag-and-Drop and Point-and-Click methods to move cards
selectable card backs
any BMP or JPEG image can be used as a custom card back.
selectable backgrounds
customized card sets for registered users.
convenient user-customizable toolbar
statistics for multiple players
log of played games
score history graph indicates your performance ànd progress in playing selected
solitaire game.
publishing statistics to the BVS Solitaire Collection Web site
empty foundation pile indicator
multi-level undo/redo
instruction guide to each solitaire game
restart play feature
shuffle selection feature
automatic card moving
save game position along with undo/redo history
automatic game saving on exit